Child Health Nursing Care Plans

Child Health Nursing Care Plan On Burns

Burn injuries represent one of the most painful and devastating traumas a person can experience. Fire and burn-related injuries are a leading cause of death from injury in children ages 1-14. Most burns in children are relatively minor and do not require hospitalization.

Child Health Nursing Care Plans

Child Health Nursing Care Plan On Bronchiolitis

Bronchiolitis is an acute infection that causes inflammation and obstruction of the bronchioles, the smallest, most distal sections of the lower respiratory tract. It rarely occurs in children older than 2 yr of age and has a peak incidence between 2 and 6 mo of age.

Child Health Nursing Care Plans

Child Health Nursing Care Plan On Asthma

Asthma is a chronic, reversible (in most cases) obstructive airway disease characterized by inflammation and mucosal edema, increased sensitivity of the airways, and airway obstruction (bronchospasm and in some children, excessive, thick mucus). Increased inflammation causes increased sensitivity of the airways and is the most common feature of asthma.